Immworlds News #1
Immworlds News- What’s next?
Let’s get together for a meeting where we can teach you how to use Immworlds and some of the features of Immworlds. This way you can show your people an environment that they will say WOW! to. We should meet ined small groups of under 10 and I will show you how to get around and use the various features Immworlds offers. Then you will be ready to share Immworlds with your colleagues and be up to speed on everything!
Contact me and we can set a date and time and place!
Come to our Developer Meeting!
Every other Friday we have a developer meeting in Immworlds at the following location:
Here we get together and discuss what Immworlds is developing for the future. You will get a good idea of where we are going and you will also get to talk with Dieter Heyne of Metaverse School our main developer about your ideas for different features in Immworlds. Send Steve an email and he will get you started! . Drop in and say hi!
Upcoming and just added Immworlds features in development:
Now Working!
Avatar’s lips move when talking and their eyes blink.
Coming soon!
Speech bubbles for private conversations in different parts of a region.
We will have a library of pre-built regions available to all.
Advanced collision detection for imported models. Physics is getting better!
Online marketplace for people to sell regions that they build and make some $$$!
1 to 1 video calls inworld.
Better mobile-friendly user interface for cell phones.
Advanced scripting tools.
Advanced Animation library for better moves and even dances! this also will support different skeletons.
Able to import readyplayer.me avatars (We now have a partnership with them to offer regular and very customized avatars that can look just like you or anyone you like!) If you would like to check out what is there go to https://immworlds.readyplayer.me/avatar
At this point we are really in the open beta stage of development. We are constantly adding and testing new features as you request them!